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BCG Attorney Search Review

She never gave up on me. There was definitely a lot of effort put in for me. I liked how every so often I would get new firms chose particular for me and they really tried to address my interests and what I was looking for. It is very time consuming to look for a new job to begin with so it was nice to be able to have someone to do most of the leg work for you. Carleen was with me every step of the way and she answered any questions that I had. She also helped prepare me for interviews that I had. It was a good experience and I appreciate all the work that Carleen did.

I don't know all of the firms that are out there and that have openings and are looking for someone to fill a position. There are other types of ways to look through - LinkedIn and what not - but obviously it is easier when a recruiting agency has access to these firms and to these job opening and they can do the matching process based on what I am looking for and what the firms is looking for.

Carleen was with me every step of the way and she answered any questions that I had. She also helped prepare me for interviews that I had. It was a good experience and I appreciate all the work that Carleen did.

Rose Nankervis
St. John's University School of Law, Class of 2016
Placed at Nixon Peabody

Rose Nankervis

St. John's University School of Law, Class Of 2016

Placed at Nixon Peabody LLP

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