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BCG Attorney Search Review

One thing I really enjoyed regarding BCG was the dashboard and their user friendly aspect of their website as far as applying to jobs and being able to be notified regularly through email about any job openings or postings and having the filtering aspect of the search process which was helpful. With Becca in particular, I thought she was extremely helpful regarding preparation for interviews, searching for jobs that I wouldn't have found myself that were applicable to my skills and requirements, size of firms, etc. I felt that she was so on top of everything and keeping in contact with me. One think I really enjoyed was her communication with me and keeping my search on track in terms of what we needed to do and making sure my resume was up to date. I can't state how helpful she was in getting me prepared and ready for the job interviews.

BCG made the process easier in terms of organization and in searching for applicable jobs and firms that I would be interested in working at that were in my different areas of expertise. Preparing for the job interviews and assessing what I needed to do and what further contact, either Becca or I, should make to the hiring team. Having someone with knowledge on how to work with a private firm, especially for someone like myself that was coming from the nonprofit government / academic side of law.

I really can't state enough how much Becca helped me and the material that BCG provided. Her constant communication and her being on top of everything when I needed her and being available, even on the weekend, was really appreciated.

Lynne Dzubow

Georgetown University Law Center, Class Of 2015

Placed at McDowell Rackner Gibson PC

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