Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

I appreciated the online portal. I worked with other recruiters and a lot of communication was done over email, including gathering a list of firms that I wanted to apply to. I appreciate that BCG had an official portal that I could clearly what was submitted, the date, and the result - that is one of the main things that stuck out to me.

[BCG] provided opportunities that I would not have found out about. I was looking in a completely new market that I had no connections or experience with. The firm I am going to, I had never heard of them before and in doing my own research prior to working with Annie they weren't popping up on any of the lists that I was pulling. Most of the firms that she did send me, weren't popping up either. If it weren't for working with Annie, I probably wouldn't have landed this specific position.
Q.Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

A.I worked with another company in Atlanta, it was a little bit smaller. In terms of communication and following up and helping me with interviews, I would say it was pretty on par. The only difference with BCG and the other firm is that your firm has more online structure as opposed to working with a smaller recruiter, we communicated a lot via email re: the results of firms. The experience was great for me on both ends. I really appreciated working with a small recruiter as well as with BCG and Annie.

Tisha James

Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Class Of 2018

Placed at McDowell Hetherington LLP

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