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BCG Attorney Search Review

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What where some of your favorite things about working with BCG and Carolina? Carolina really listened my experience and what I wanted from a new firm. She took into account what I had liked before and what I wasn't liking at my current job. She talked to me on a personal level that other recruiters didn't. She was able to understand me in a more personal way which really helped us work together and also helped her be motivated towards helping me. There were times when I would say "Oh, I thought this opportunity would be good for you" and we would talk about why I might not have felt the same. She was the best recruiter that I had worked with who really gave me an accurate view of the market. I really understood what I was getting into in the job search. How did working with us make you job search easier?It was nice to get the weekly and every other daily emails reminding me to look at the list and reordering it different ways. It was really making me explain why I didn't like the firm even if it is just that I didn't think I would fit in there. Whenever I told Carolina; for example, that I didn't like the reputation of a certain firm, she would just move on and really respected my choices. The reminders for BCG, though sometimes they could a little overwhelming because they were always popping up, were really helpful because they WERE always popping up and reminding me that I am working now but that I was still doing a job search too which also requires a lot of time and effort. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience? A million times praise Carolina! She was so attentive to what I wanted and what I needed on a personal and emotional level.

Anna Menkova

St. John's University School of Law, Class Of 2017

Placed at Rolnick Kramer Sadighi LLP

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