Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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[My favorite thing about working with BCG was] great about getting interviews. I have worked with other recruiters before and independently and I had little success getting interviews and Becca was great and consistently ensuring that I was actively involved in the process. I liked how she coached me or gave me the option for a call prior to each interview. That was a helpful touch that I hadn't experienced with other recruiters.

How did working with us make you job search easier?

I worked full time, 9-10 hours a day, so knowing and being confident that Becca was working behind the scenes made it easier for me to still perform my job well but also have access to opportunities. I liked that fact that there were all kinds of lists of firms available. And to go back to my first point, I really trusted Becca because I was constantly having interviews so she was definitely working on my behalf and all I had to do was show up for the interviews. It was a great accommodation of my schedule.

Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

The best! The best in terms of advice, giving different options, and again, getting all of the interviews. Out of the other recruiters I worked with Becca is definitely the best.

Gabriel Hemphill

Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Class Of 2016

Placed at Schneider Wallace Cottrell Konecky LLP

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