Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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She was good at keeping me updated. I liked the BCG online access. It was very organized and I could see all the places [where my application] was pending. I think that facilitated the process of the job searching. She showed me my current employer that I wouldn't have really known about or looked into had Jessica not reached out. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you used?A. Better than other recruiting companies because 1) it is easy to see the online system - it is very nicely laid out and I think that distinguishes you from other recruiting companies. I very much enjoyed that aspect of it. The follow up was good and Jessica was easy to get into contact with to ask any follow up questions to. ****Feedback from Michelle that we don't need to post with the testimonial, but for our consideration**** A way BCG can improve: if the recruiter could get more information with regards to the job application. Before interviews: find out what the day to day would look like and what specific area of law the candidate will be practicing in. Ask more questions to the hiring firm before purposing it to the candidate. She understands that sometimes the firm doesn't always share that info but if we could try to push and get a bit more.

Michelle Diaz

Nova Southeastern University The Shepard Broad College of Law, Class Of 2017

Placed at Mase Mebane Seitz

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