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BCG Attorney Search Review

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Sarah, in particular, was very knowledgeable and helpful. She was also very very positive. She helped pump me up before interviews and decipher if I liked the law firm after interviews. Those were the key things. [BCG] is unique in the sense that other recruiters I have worked with don't presumptively apply to law firms. You guys applied to 80 or 90 law firms on my behalf, even if there weren't postings which ended up being what got me a job in the end. Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's? A. Definitely top, out of 5- top 2! Sarah was really really great and probably the best recruiter I have ever worked with.


George Washington University Law School, Class Of 2017

Placed at Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP

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