Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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How did working with us make you job search easier?

They found me a job! They would send me stuff every day and they set me up with the job I took. I was very surprised - I am still very young in my career and I didn't think a recruiter would work with me but they were pretty thorough.

Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

I talked with a few other ones and they would say "Hey, we will keep you in mind and put you up for stuff" and then I would never hear from them again. There was one where they kept putting me up for temp stuff and I told them I wasn't interested in that. I don't know how seriously any other company took my candidacy but it was really night and day.

Jesse Gibbings

Boston College Law School, Class Of 2019

Placed at Schwartz Hannum PC

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