Expert Legal Recruiters for Attorneys & Lawyers | BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search Review

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What where some of your favorite things about working with BCG and Becca?

How quickly everything went! I worked with a few other recruiters in the past and I didn't get very much traction. I had 1 or 2 interviews but I didn't really feel like I had any chance going in. Becca got me very very prepared for every question posed to me. I felt thoroughly prepared for each of my interviews.

How did working with us make you job search easier?

The network that BCG has. I had been searching pretty passively prior to being contacted by Becca. It is hard to find jobs in the legal field and you're on LinkedIn or wherever but it's still not a big network to get into. However with BCG, Becca was able to get me, I think, 3 interviews in the first week of working with her. Like I said, she also did a phenomenal job about getting me prepared for said interviews as opposed to the other recruiters I worked with. [With them] I felt like I was going into those interviews feeling okay but I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was and I didn't get a call back.

Anything else?

I really appreciated all of the work Becca did and she was always very easy to get in contact with. I enjoyed working with her so much that I have actually already referred 2 of my friends. Like I said, I have worked with a few other people [recruiting firms] and no one was able to get me results nearly as quickly so I am confident she will be able to help them like she was able to help me.

Timothy O'Connor

University of Wisconsin Law School, Class Of 2018

Placed at McGeady Becher P.C.

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