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BCG Attorney Search Review

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I enjoyed having the one direct person that I got to work with. She was very beneficial. I like the ease of it. Essentially just getting an email every day saying "Hey, we found these spots for you, Can we send it out? Yes or no?". Very convenient rather than having to go through each and every kind of post to find one myself.I appreciated the fact that there was someone that I could check over my resume just to make sure that it's okay. And I also really enjoyed having someone to do a mock interview with, so it was from start to finish on a perspective that really encompasses everything.The fact that, there's all these positions in one easy uniform kind of place, rather than looking on multiple different platforms. And then being like, "did I apply to this one?", "did I not apply to this one?", "How's this one going?", "How's that one going?", cause obviously it could be cumbersome to consistently bombard a certain firm and not even realizing that "Hey, I already applied there". So I think having that uniformity into one platform and especially the ease of just hitting approve or decline, and then having that option to be like, 'why did you decline this one?' really made it convenient and efficient. I would say probably number one, right at the top tier, and I say that just because again, the entirety, being encompassing, everything I got the the mock interviews, and just having that ability to be able to follow up with him to be "Hey, I haven't heard anything back. Do you think I should reach out to them?" Just bouncing ideas off of someone that you know, is clearly more specialized in this field than I am. As compared to other services that, they're more so give us your resume and we'll send it out for you. They don't really review it. You don't really know who you're dealing with and you don't really have that kind of person that you can do a mock interview with or someone you could follow up with. Pretty much, those kinds of things is what really separates BCG from other recruiting firms that I've used.

Manraj Sekhon

Brooklyn Law School, Class Of 2019

Placed at BurgherGray LLP

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