BCG Attorney Search Reviews, Attorney Testimonials, Legal Testimonials -

BCG Attorney Search Reviews

10 reviews mean that attorneys love BCG!

What were some of your favorite things about working with BCG and Carolina?

Extremely responsive. She was proactive in the sense of keeping up with me even if there wasn't anything new necessarily happening. She would reach out just to check in and let me know what she was doing. If I was having any issues she would talk me through it and send me BCG literature that was applicable to what I was going through.

Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

At the top - I reached out to the recruiting firm I got my first job through and they dropped the ball and basically told me there was nothing out there with the pandemic going on. Carolina was consistently sending me new openings and advocating on my behalf.

Dan Wotherspoon

Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law, Class Of 2013

Placed at Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP

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Carolina was a super recruiter. Because I am a recent JD graduate and I didn't get anything in OCI so I thought that I can't find any decent jobs after graduation and other recruiters also think so, So actually I reach out to other recruiters in other company's but once they found out that I am a recent graduate, they just lost their interest and they decided they didn't want to corporate with me, but Carolina also knew that it was a little hopeless for me to find a decent job, but she was still willing to try and it worked out well with a good job offer.
BCG made my job search easier because I think Carolina can find the resources and connect me with the law firms because law firms have the need to recruit associates and I have the need to get a new job and she did a good job with connecting me with the law firm. If I want to find a job personally I don't know which firms are recruiting and I just do the mass mailing, and that way I get a lot of rejection letters but if she knows which firms are recruiting its easier for me so that at least I don't have to do the mass mailing.
BCG Recruiting Firm was excellent to work with.

Ming Zeng

George Washington University Law School, Class Of 2021

Placed at Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP

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I loved the daily updates and reminders. I also loved how I felt like BCG was on my side and gave me validation before my interview. I felt like you have top firms and I did not have to waste time searching through the job postings for higher end firms I would want to work for.

Patricia Craig

Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law School, Class Of 2013

Placed at Cona Elder Law PLLC

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What where some of your favorite things about working with BCG and Carolina? Carolina really listened my experience and what I wanted from a new firm. She took into account what I had liked before and what I wasn't liking at my current job. She talked to me on a personal level that other recruiters didn't. She was able to understand me in a more personal way which really helped us work together and also helped her be motivated towards helping me. There were times when I would say "Oh, I thought this opportunity would be good for you" and we would talk about why I might not have felt the same. She was the best recruiter that I had worked with who really gave me an accurate view of the market. I really understood what I was getting into in the job search. How did working with us make you job search easier?It was nice to get the weekly and every other daily emails reminding me to look at the list and reordering it different ways. It was really making me explain why I didn't like the firm even if it is just that I didn't think I would fit in there. Whenever I told Carolina; for example, that I didn't like the reputation of a certain firm, she would just move on and really respected my choices. The reminders for BCG, though sometimes they could a little overwhelming because they were always popping up, were really helpful because they WERE always popping up and reminding me that I am working now but that I was still doing a job search too which also requires a lot of time and effort. Is there anything else you would like to add about your experience? A million times praise Carolina! She was so attentive to what I wanted and what I needed on a personal and emotional level.

Anna Menkova

St. John's University School of Law, Class Of 2017

Placed at Rolnick Kramer Sadighi LLP

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She was very concerned with what I was looking for and she gave me realistic expectations about figure out what I was looking for in a new job. She also opened up a lot of jobs and positions that wouldn't have been available on my own. [The process was easier because] I had more job postings to look at and Carolina provided information on the firms that wasn't necessarily available online, so that was great.

Ana Sarmento

Fordham University School of Law, Class Of 2018

Placed at Clarke Silverglate, PA

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Carolina was very responsive and had a great attitude. She was very encouraging but also realistic in working with me. She was very professional. She found a perfect match for me and for the firm that lined up with my experience and what I was looking for. There was a little bit of luck but she facilitated it. She identified the firm and it was a perfect match! I wish I had used a recruiter years ago. Carolina was awesome!

Cathryne (Katie) Watson

Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class Of 2009

Placed at Alan Lescht & Associates, PC

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Honestly, the best part [about working with BCG] was getting a job in the end, especially when I had mostly stopped looking for myself. Carolina was willing to listen to what I was looking for and tried to match that with somewhere where I'd be happy. I'd said I wanted to do writing, and she shopped me around as a writer. I've only been at this new job for a few weeks, but it seems to be a much better fit than some of the places I was applying (and not getting). Even though it took a while, I still feel like you did a good job. A lot of that was the coronavirus, I'm sure, but taking the time to find a firm that was specifically looking for someone who was looking to write, not necessarily looking to get in a courtroom all of the time, was a big plus.
Q. How did working with us make you job search easier?
A. Well, for one, I didn't have to do the searching. But firms seem to reach out to you guys. Sometimes a middleman is a bad thing, but sometimes the middleman is a good facilitator, and that's what I felt happened here. I was also able to let someone else do the searching while I watched my son during the day.

Q. Where would we rank/compare to other recruiting companies you may have used?

A. Since you got me the job, I'd put you on top. Even without that, you didn't pigeonhole me into "temp" work just because your firm was divided into temp and permanent placement (and make it hard to get into the other group), so I'd still put you on top. My sample size isn't large, though.


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She was very transparent with me which was helpful. No BS. BCG has its finger on the pulse of the job market. There were a lot of jobs we applied for that I didn't find on any other job forums. It was a great experience. I would definitely return and use BCG and Carolina in the future.

Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's?

A. BCG was the primary recruiting service I used and I would definitely rank them the highest as well.

Placed at Kelly, Souza, Rocha, & Parmenter, PC

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Carolina was very responsive from start to finish. She promptly followed up to get my resume and materials to law firms searching to add an attorney in my areas of practice. She provided valuable suggestions on how to follow up with several firms that responded to her inquiries. She also followed up separately with law firms that showed an interest in me. All in all, it was a very positive experience working with Carolina and BCG.Carolina was very positive and upbeat about my prospects throughout the process. In these difficult times, this was especially appreciated. I would rate my experience with Carolina and BCG and superior to my experiences with other recruiters.

Placed at Gordon Feinblatt LLC

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BCG, and Carolina in particular, were essentially everything I would want in a recruiter. Prompt, responsive, checks in regularly, and always ready to hop on the phone for a call to discuss strategy, thought processes, and general concerns. Carolina was sure to make herself available whenever I wanted to talk, or even just vent! Further, her advice was always wise, on point, and well-considered.
Potential employers were way more responsive when I went through BCG vs. when I applied individually. BCG also sent weekly updates on who was interested and who wasn't - providing much more visibility into the process than an applicant would otherwise have.
I want to reiterate my sentiment that Carolina did a phenomenal job. Not only did she find me a great placement in the middle of a massive economic downturn - she also took the time to understand me and my goals, and was tremendously reassuring during a difficult and stressful time. I'm really quite impressed with BCG, and plan on recommending it to anyone I know who's job-seeking in the legal industry.
Q. Where would we rank amongst other recruiting company's you may have used?
A. The best. Other recruiters we always ready to collect my resume and "talk the talk," but only BCG actively and consistently stuck with me through the process - it's no surprise BCG found me an opportunity before anyone else did.


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