Would an individual with a BS in biology be a good candidate for either patent or IP law? I'm looking into the quickest route to be a patent or IP attorney. I've thought about going to law school and then getting an accelerated master's in mechanical engineering
if necessary. What are your thoughts on this? The best practice area to be in as a patent attorney is typically if you have a degree in electrical engineering. Patent attorneys typically are in demand that has electrical backgrounds followed by computer science and physics. Mechanical patent attorneys are also in demand.
So you said you're interested in doing that, but there are much fewer positions in mechanical engineering than they used to be for patent attorneys. Biology is a good practice area for patent attorneys. But the problem is most of those positions, for whatever reason, required that people have PhDs and, much more frequently, bachelor's degrees master's degrees.
I'm not sure why that is exactly, but that's just how the patent market works. So if you do want to be a patent attorney, you're better off getting experience doing work and in something more related to an electrical engineer, so forth, if you can.