"What kind of job detail and how much of it should I include on my resume?"
It's up to you, but typically you want to include enough details that you can tell people what you're doing. People aren't going to be mad at you for putting too much stuff on your resume, but too many, much job details, but you just want to be careful and you don't want to list too much. In my experience, the best resumes typically have the least detail on them for the experience. You need to tell people what you're doing, but you need to do so very succinctly. And I leave it at that. If you put too much information on there, then that could really end up backfiring.
An example of putting too much would be, if you're applying for a job as a real estate litigator, putting a bunch of information about how you have corporate experience and IP experience and so forth on your resume is not really going to help you. So a lot of times people will send conflicting signals about what they do on their resume. And that's just not a good idea. Your resume really wants to be geared towards what you're trying to do. Hope that helps.