Why You Shouldn't Delay When Asked For A Writing Sample
[00:00:00] I did a callback at a big law firm on Friday and even asked me for a writing sample. What does this mean? The callback has already happened.
You need to get them a writing sample immediately. So do not delay. Two kinds of law firms, some require writing samples from everyone and others don't.
And most of them, if they've asked to report after the interview that probably means that they either need to get your file ready for review or you're in the running. Most likely, what that means is you're in the running for the job. And they may just want to have that as part of your file before they make an offer. So I think that's great. I would, but I would try to get them the writing sample today.
They asked you on Friday because the more time you delay they're not going to like that. Many times, law firms are ready to make offers fairly soon after interviewing you. So I would work.