It's All About Getting Hired By The Best Firm that You Can
[00:00:00] Prestigious firms only hire a limited amount of people. Any advice for the normal people who couldn't get hired by prestigious firms?
I think the whole point of what I was saying in these webinars, not just getting hired by the most prestigious firms, it's about getting hired by the best firm that you can.
So you want to get training from the best firms and the best people that you possibly can. Doing what you can to expose yourself to the best training is what I've been trying to refer to. Anything that you can do to surround yourself with the best people and the best firm, the better.
If you are working with really good people right now could you work with better people and so forth? So no, not everyone can get hired by the most prestigious firms, but you want to get hired by the best firms you possibly can.