How Often Do Lawyers Change Jobs
[00:00:00] How often do lawyers change jobs?
It depends on the attorney. My advice would be to not change jobs unless you have to. I make a living with people changing jobs, but I do believe that the longer you stick with the job the better off you're going to be.
And that is something that will help you quite a bit. If you're able to stick with a job, long-term then people that stick with the jobs, the long-term are often the best hires. When I'm interviewing attorneys, for example, to work with me, I always look at the resume and how long the person stuck around, or the upward mobility.
Those are two big ways of analyzing a resume, but the most important thing is how long they've been at their jobs. So if someone has been at a firm for a long time, typically what that means is that they're likely to commit wherever they go and certain people, commit and do well and learn the culture and get along and other people, wherever they go, they're unhappy and not doing well.