How Do You Quit A Job In Good Terms
[00:00:00] How do you quit a job on good terms?
That's great. That's a great question. And I do believe. To this extent, people should quit every job on good terms. You should try to quit your job when you're doing well. You should thank everybody and I'm often being vague about not making an issue out of anything that the firm could have done differently for you or things that you don't like about. It's fair that you're working in and make it mainly more about something else.
And the better off you do with that the better off you'll be. People that have worked for me in the past, I had one person leave on that was interesting. They're in a very stressful part of a litigation case. This girl quit and quit her job with me. And I couldn't believe I was very upset.
I was able to replace her in a day or two, but I was still mad. But even when she went out she stayed and worked very hard for the next couple of weeks. And then she wrote up a nice letter thanking me and stayed in touch. So you want to go out with people liking you and you want people to be able to say good things about you in the future.
And one of the things that people don't realize when they're younger many [00:01:00] times was that. That you're working with right now are people that you're going to encounter in most cases, throughout your career. So you want to account with them on good terms and not bad terms. The better you can do with that the better off you're going to be.
So you want to be careful.