What Would-Be Attorneys Are Up Against
[00:00:00] What are some of the myths, biggest misconceptions that would-be attorneys have about the field?
Some of the biggest ones, I think about the field that would be attorneys have is that they're going to be generals and not soldiers. Typically, when you see attorneys on television or when you think you're going to go somewhere to make a lot of money, you think that you're going to be able to be in control and and you're going to be important and stuff. Really, most attorneys, even partners are more soldiers. They're deferential to clients and judges, even as partners. So, most people are actually soldiers. I think that's one of the biggest ones.
The other one is that they don't understand the stress levels that are involved.
They don't understand how high level work will impact relationships and health. They impact relationships and how they don't understand just how competitive peers are with each other. They don't understand how difficult it is to rise and succeed.
They don't understand. The importance of getting business.
If you're in a law, the lack of family contact and there are a lot of things that are very difficult about the profession. I could talk about this [00:01:00] forever but and the money comes with a price.
Money is a huge price.
And, most attorneys that go to law school could make more money doing other things.
So, those are some of the things. Also, they don't understand how competitive it is. There's just so many people competing for a limited amount of work. So those are some of the biggest things, I think.