Should You Advertise Having Taken The Bar Somewhere Else
[00:00:00] I'm a law student who will be starting a job in a smaller market, but would also like to be barred in a major market if I want to apply for jobs there. Should I take both tests or would that be sending the wrong message to my employer?
It's very common. So, someone moves to a firm in Cleveland and takes the California bar, you pretty much always know that they're going to move to California, started applying to jobs there at one point. So, I don't know that it's something you need to advertise to your employer, that you took that bar.
A lot of times attorneys will be barred in New York or California and practice, in smaller markets. There's nothing wrong with that. I do recommend trying to take these bar exams when you're younger. Cause It's where you're right out of school. I don't know if you need to tell your employer about taking these other bar exams.