Tips for Starting Law School in Your 30s
[00:00:00] Would starting law school in my thirties be a problem?
And the answer is no.
Unless you mind working long hours when you get into your thirties, I don't think starting law school in your early thirties is a problem at all.
When it comes to job seeking, I never ask a good network group to help. I felt It may damage relationships or it was about pride?
I don't think you necessarily ask your network for help. And, I agree with what you ask for but does do sometimes telegraph weakness.
You need to get in touch with people and just ask them how they're doing. So do not ask for help ask people in your network.
And then listen, that's it. That's all you need to do. When you listen and let them talk about themselves, they're typically going to ask about you. If you let them talk enough,
They will like you a lot.
If you let them talk enough, they're going to like you a lot and want to help you as well. So that's one of the things that I would recommend. It's just asking them about themselves as much as you possibly can because [00:01:00] then, they're going to want to help you and ask about you at some point when they do ask about you. Sometimes the last thing you want to bring up, you're looking for a top.
When I was in law school, by the way, I tried to get a lot of people involved, in looking for positions for me. So, I would ask all sorts of people I would ask, my girlfriend's mom, my mom, my friend's dad, all these people, and all those people. I was able to get interviews through all those people. These are just people that kinda knew me. So if you do that, that can help you quite a bit as well.