How Personal Interests Help Identify Which Practice Area Fits You Most
[00:00:00] How is corporate law different than other legal practice areas?
It's transactions,
it's mergers,
it's making sure companies' papers are in order. A bunch of things like that. Whereas, other practice areas, which could be things like litigation are writing. If you go to BCG there are practice area guides.
One of the things I would say about one of the things about corporate that's very interesting. A lot of those work is very detailed, in some respects, clerical work. It's contracts. It's a lot of nitty gritty and very detail oriented compared to litigation, for example, the people that tend to enjoy doing corporate law are often people that are very good at things like math and science. People that are good at things like litigation typically are good at things like, reading history and those types of practice areas. And then people that aren't going to patent law are typically people that are good at math and science as well. So you have to go, where are your interests?
People that like corporate are very interested in being and helping businesses and working for businesses and making sure things are organized properly in [00:01:00] businesses and making sure transactions got off smoothly and avoiding problems and that sort of thing.