Why You Should Keep Applying
[00:00:00] You can certainly apply to firms that have passed on your candidacy during OCI. Law firms have a very short memory, very short.
When I work with candidates, say, for two years in which I may apply to the same firm for them in the same office. I may contact the firm 10 times to see if they have an interest. Two years is a long time to work with someone, but who knows.
In terms of their interests, if you're qualified to work in the firm, then certainly you can keep applying. Law firms like it when you keep applying.
Now, if your qualifications are just nowhere near good enough to work in that firm, then, you're probably not going to get anywhere continually applying. But if you are, in the ballpark of working there, then yeah, by all means. You should keep applying. A high percentage of the time, if you're just emailing your resume, they're going to forget about it within days, or weeks.
But if you're going in an applicant tracking system, which is, applying online for forms and stuff, then probably no. Every time you apply. That doesn't mean that they're going to reject you, because you applied before. And like BCG, for [00:01:00] example, most of the people we work with are people that applied at one point in the past. You may not have had an opening for them or been able to work with them, and then they apply again and we worked with them. So you're always better off applying again.