How do you deal with overqualified lawyers looking for reduced hours for flexibility
If an attorney can be considered overqualified, but say they are looking for reduced hours?
Or more flexibility and they get their current job. Do you still think they might leave in short order? Yeah, so I think if someone is could be overqualified but they are looking for reduced hours for flexibility that they may not get in another employer, then that potential person, that's a very good question.
It could be someone that might leave as well. How do you assess the first year the candidate will be capable of doing the job? Should you be looking more at their law school, extra-curricular grades, or something else? Typically, first-year attorneys, first-year attorneys you shouldn't be, people look more at their law school grades and their extracurriculars is how they evaluate them.
And but mainly law school grades quality, the law school, and then any stability may have seen the person have in the past is typical. It is one of the best things. So any stability they may have had in previous jobs and so forth is always a good time.