In this Q&A clip, Harrison discusses the challenges of moving up the prestige ladder in a career, explicitly highlighting the difficulty of moving from a number one to a number four prestige employer.
He explains that the typical path for career growth involves moving from a lower budget firm to a higher prestige firm, but moving from a three to a four firm can be more complex due to the increased scrutiny from in-house counsel and the need to impress not just staff and attorneys, but also outside clients. Harrison also mentions that, in his opinion, the highest-paying firms may be more challenging to secure a job with.
This clip provides valuable insight for those looking to advance their careers and understand the complexities of moving up the prestige ladder.
Okay, so typically, in terms of the prestige level, it isn't easy to move up from a one to a four.
For example, if you're at one firm doing lower budget consumer-related work, which is okay, then the best you're going to do in most cases is to move to probably a two-firm, and then from there, you can move to a three firm, and that's how people do it.
Moving to a three-firm is typically a little bit more complex than moving from one to two, and it's because often, those firms have an in-house counsel who closely looks at who's being hired and who's working on their matters.
One of the reasons and I don't necessarily believe in this, is the highest paying firms; it's challenging to get jobs with them because they have to impress not just their staff and attorneys but also have to impress outside.