Many unhappy attorneys at large law firms transform into successful solos, finding happiness and control over their future.
The solo practice provides more appreciation from clients, leading to increased satisfaction.
Being a solo practitioner can be fulfilling, providing more control and appreciation.
Yeah, I've seen lots of attorneys that were very unhappy in large law firms become solos. A complete transformation happened. Suppose they were reasonable attorneys and cared about the work, where they suddenly were happy, and they changed their lives.
Now, that's to say that would happen with everyone. Still, it does happen, and I've seen it happen to many people who were entirely psychologically demoralized and thought they would never fix it. They then opened their solo practices and became successful.
Why is that? I think it's because clients were suddenly listening to them and appreciated them. They had more control over their futures. They knew what was going to happen, all those sorts of things. So I think you have a perfect point about how you became happy being solo.
And again, I think that can also make you very happy as a solo practitioner. Some people do very well with that. They're appreciated, they have control and all those sorts of things.