If you've been fired, don't mention it on your resume, just say the firm didn't have enough work.
Large law firms are unlikely to discuss firings and generally have a more understanding approach to the challenges faced by attorneys.
You don't put it in your resume if you're fired. Why would you do that? Just say the firm needed more work. It was a small law firm, and they didn't have enough work. That's all the next employer needs to know. And that's a great excuse, too, by the way. If you, if someone lets you go, and you just say, no, they didn't have, they didn't have enough work, and that's what happened.
One of the benefits sometimes they're working in large law firms is large law firms are very lovely. There are very few large law firms that are going to talk about someone getting fired, and this is because a lot of these law firms, the large law firms, don't have sour grapes, and they're not trying to hurt people, and they realize that attorneys have problems.