Law firms prefer high achievers with unique qualities.
High achievers often receive more interview opportunities.
Unique qualities and skills can make you stand out.
Law firms seek individuals who can channel their drive and ambition.
Understanding how law firms operate is crucial.
Excellent law schools with many choices can admit law firms if you demonstrate drive and ambition.
Law firms hire those who can contribute to their success.
Law firms love high achievers, like people who have very high achievers, and that high achievers who aren't easy to be high achievers will often get lots of interviews. Usually, someone who didn't have those kinds of experiences would hardly get it. Many times, your unique qualities and skills will make you stand out.
Law firms need to be able to channel their drive into something, channel their drive and ambition into something. Law firms need to understand how it works. One of the issues is when law schools are many people; it's always fun to look at the kind of people that Yale Law School is.
Excellent law schools with many choices will admit law firms if they believe you have a lot of drive and ambition or focus on something you can channel into something. They love and will hire you, but they believe you can help them.