Crafting a compelling post-law school resume is vital.
Be concise when listing associate roles; the law firm only needs key info.
Prioritize relevant pre-law school jobs on your resume.
Ensure your resume demonstrates unwavering commitment to the practice area.
Make your resume tell a consistent, story-like narrative for maximum impact.
One of the things you have after law school and before law school. These are two important things with your resume after law school; you don't need to list where you've been an associate and have dates and everything. The law firm only needs a little information.
You could list a few of them. You don't need to give many details, especially if you have many jobs. And you just need to be careful about that. You want people to look at your resume and believe you have the experience to do a specific job, and then you have your before-law school jobs.
It would help if you were careful with those. You only really want to list those. If these jobs are relevant to your current work, that's okay. But if not, no. It would help if you were very careful about listing things, giving law firms a cent that you're doing something completely different than they need.
It must look like you're 100% committed to whatever their practice area. It needs to tell a story of something that looks very consistent.